From the inside out. Is self-care more important than inside out? Personal care has a main function in the prevention of diseases, taking care of our own well-being and how others perceive us, while inner care refers to the inner world that each person has and that no one knows more than ourselves, the one we have been building throughout our lives. Although similar, they do not refer to the same thing and in my opinion a disordered inner world is equal to a personal neglect, we are the reflection of all that we carry inside our soul, that intangible part that lives in the body that gives us the ability to think and feel, is able to give life to the body and is the immaterial essence that defines the individual and humanity. In conclusion, from the inside out will always be the best form of personal and emotional care that we can give to ourselves, there will always be chaos and we must be aware of that, because where does the light enter if not through the broken places? Healing ...
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